In the video, The Crisis of Leadership and a New Way Forward (Tomasdottir & Freedman, 2019), former Icelandic President Halla Tomasdottir describes the kind of leaders our society needs for the next generation. She encourages us to release our inner leaders.
As you watch, think about what aspects of leadership you already possess and what you will be able to work on throughout this certificate.
When you think of yourself as a leader, are you engaging in sustainable, equitable, and accountable practices?
How might you incorporate these characteristics into your practice?
WATCH: "The crisis of leadership -- and a new way forward"
What should modern leadership look like? Entrepreneur and former Icelandic presidential candidate Halla Tómasdóttir thinks global leaders need to change their ways -- or risk becoming irrelevant. In a conversation with curator Bryn Freedman, she shows how anybody can step up and make a difference, even if you don't yet have power. "There's a leader inside every single one of us," she says, "and our most important work in life is to release that leader."
Credits: Red Deer Polytechnic's "Early Childhood Education Leadership Development" Faculty